It was about ten years ago in that very house that I had lost my first tooth. It was a time of great peril as I knew that it would hurt really bad, but one thing I knew was that my family would sit through it with me. As we sat down at the kitchen table, my father asked if I was ready for my tooth to be pulled. Of course I said no, but he insisted on pulling the tooth out right away. He continued to tell me that he was going to pull it out on the count of three. “one, two, and three” and he let out a great pull on my tooth.”Owww” I screamed, but he had ended up pulling it out smoothly and professionally. Thank you dad, I said and we began to to clean up the large mess that was present at the end of the of the tooth pulling. At the time I was still debating whether I would loose more teeth than that and my brother stated “don’t worry walker, because there will be plenty more teeth for you to loose in the rest of your life time.” Was this true or was it just a lie, my father began to tell me that I would have at least twenty-four more teeth that would come out before I become an adult. At that point I began to realize that I would have to start growing up. This was not something I particularly wanted to do, but it was something that would have to be done for myself to grow and mature into an adult